Saturday, May 18, 2024
HomeMarketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

6 Easy Steps of Marketing Planning Using PR Smith SOSTAC Model

I will explain the 6 easy steps of Marketing planning from PR Smith’s SOSTAC® Plan with examples. In the end, I will also share some important info-graphics explaining how the model can be used in digital marketing. Table of Content What...

First Principles Thinking for Entrepreneurs

What is First Principles Thinking? According to Wikipedia: "A first principle is a basic, unconditional, self-evident proposition or assumption that cannot be deduced from any other proposition or assumption." {1} The first principle is the basic assumption or basic known truth or law that...

How Marketing Mix Elements Create a Marketing Strategy

The article is going to highlight how marketing mix elements can create a marketing strategy. For that to happen, you need to understand the marketing mix elements from a consumer perspective.   Marketing mix elements to make a better marketing strategy Marketing strategy means...
Learn Marketing | One Month Freespot_img

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